Soemarko Ridwan

iOS & Web Developer ⟡ Coffee Addict ⟡ Scuba Diver

Updated password-store guides to work with M series Macs


The only change is on step 4, mainly because homebrew has and odd path to store packages for M series Macs. I also added pinentry-touchid for better experience. I'll update the original post so you (well, future me as well) don't need to refer to multiple posts when configuring pass on your brand new Mac. Let's further break down the step;

First is the native BrowserPass

  1. Download the latest release of BrowserPass -- select the darwin-arm64 version for Arm Mac.
  2. Extract and jump into the folder
  3. make BIN=browserpass-darwin-arm64 PREFIX=/usr/local configure
  4. sudo make BIN=browserpass-darwin-arm64 PREFIX=/usr/local install
  5. sudo make BIN=browserpass-darwin-arm64 PREFIX=/usr/local hosts-firefox
  6. vi .password-store/.browserpass.json and put in
  "gpgPath": "/opt/homebrew/bin/gpg"

Next is the pinentry

  1. brew install pinentry-mac
  2. brew tap jorgelbg/tap
  3. brew install pinentry-touchid
  4. /opt/homebrew/bin/pinentry-touchid -fix
  5. vi ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf and enter pinentry-program /opt/homebrew/bin/pinentry-touchid
  6. gpg-connect-agent reloadagent /bye or gpgconf --kill gpg-agent
  7. defaults write org.gpgtools.common DisableKeychain -bool yes
  8. And finally to test it: pass show github-token

You'll need to enter the passphrase once, then next occasion will just need Touch ID to unlock the passwords.